REserve — Testing UI5 — Probing the tests

Arnaud Buchholz
3 min readMar 18, 2021

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In this second article, we fetch the list of test pages by triggering a specific URL that references all the tests to execute. This requires the use of script substitution as well as offering an endpoint to receive the collected tests.

Declaring the tests

Most of the UI5 applications have a similar testing structure : the page called webapp/test/testsuite.qunit.html is the entry point. Its content declares the test pages contained in the project. It also includes the qunit-redirect module which bootstraps a web test runner provided by UI5.

One big projects, it is recommended to segregate the OPA tests pages (one per journey). One pattern is to write a json file (named AllJourneys.json) containing the journeys' names and loop over it to declare as many test pages as needed.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>QUnit TestSuite for OpenUI5 Todo App</title>
<script src="../resources/sap/ui/qunit/qunit-redirect.js"></script>
* Add test pages to this test suite function.

function suite() {
var oSuite = new parent.jsUnitTestSuite(),
sContextPath = location.pathname.substring(0, location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
oSuite.addTestPage(sContextPath + "unit/unitTests.qunit.html"); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "integration/AllJourneys.json", false);
JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).forEach(function (name) {
oSuite.addTestPage(sContextPath + "integration/opaTests.qunit.html?journey=" + name);
return oSuite;

testsuite.qunit.html file example content

When opening the webapp/test/testsuite.qunit.html page, a redirection occurs and the web test runner executes the declared tests.

UI5 Web test runner

Test suite extraction

To extract the list of test pages, we substitute the UI5 qunit-redirect.js resource with a custom one that transmits the list of pages directly to the runner.

The custom script exposes the expected interface and it posts the result list to the endpoint /_/addTestPages.

(function () {
'use strict'
/* global suite */ const pages = [] function jsUnitTestSuite () {} jsUnitTestSuite.prototype.addTestPage = function (url) {
if (!url.startsWith('/')) {
url = '/' + url
window.jsUnitTestSuite = jsUnitTestSuite window.addEventListener('load', function () {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'POST', '/_/addTestPages')

Custom qunit-redirect.js

To substitute the module and receive the probing result, two new mappings are added in the REserve configuration. The received data is stored as the property testPageUrls on the job.

NOTE : the qunit-redirect.js substitution must be done prior to serving ui5 resources.

// Substitute qunit-redirect to extract test pages
match: '/resources/sap/ui/qunit/qunit-redirect.js',
file: join(__dirname, './inject/qunit-redirect.js')
}, {
// Endpoint to receive test pages
match: '/_/addTestPages',
custom: endpoint((url, data) => {
job.testPageUrls = data

Last but not least, once the server started, we trigger the tests extraction by executing the testsuite.qunit.html page :

/* ... */
.on('ready', async ({ url, port }) => {
job.port = port
if (!job.logServer) {
console.log(`Server running at ${url}`)
await start('/test/testsuite.qunit.html')

Trigger tests extraction once the server started

Next step

The job now has the list of test pages to execute. The next step is to parallelize them and collect the tests results.



Arnaud Buchholz

Passionate developer, always keen on finding new ways to do things, welcome to my thoughts.